During a recent crafting studies weekend we were supposed to re-design an old garment into something useful by dyeing, sewing, embroidering or by doing whatever we might think of. I had bought from a flea market a light beige jacket made out of viscose and linen 50/50. The material feels very comfortable. In addition the jacket is designed by Twins, a Finnish design house, and it cost only a couple of euros.
Koska oli syksy ja hirveän pimeää (tämä siis tapahtui marraskuussa, työn sain valmiiksi vasta nyt), halusin tuunata jakun kesäiseksi kukkaisvaatteeksi. Minulla oli ruusukankaita ja verhokappa, jossa oli viinirypäleitä. Siitä sain idean tehdä jakkuun puutarhan. Puutarha-aita vielä puuttui, mutta kun löysin palan ruskeaa verhoa, jossa oli neliömäisiä reikiä, eikun toimeksi.
Because it was autumn and awfully dark (this happened in November, but I finished the work just a few days ago), I wanted to remodel the jacket into a summery and flowery garment. When I found out that I had curtains with roses and grapes I got the idea to make a garden onto the jacket. The garden fence was still missing but when I found a piece of a brown curtain with four-cornered holes in it the problem was solved.
Huristelin ompelukoneella vielä koristetikkauksia lehtiin ja kukkiin ja rypäleisiin.
I made embroidery stitching to the leaves, flowers and grapes.
Jakku on ihan minun näköiseni. Mitään uutta en tätä työtä varten ostanut, vaan kaikki materiaali löytyi omasta takaa. Kankaat olivat enimmäkseen vanhoja verhoja. Ei tosin omista ikkunoista otettuja, vaan kirpparilta aiemmin ostettuja. Jakku sai nimensä opiskelukaveriltani Minnalta.
I like the jacket very much. I didn’t buy anything new for this work. All the material was found at home. The fabrics were mostly old curtains. Well, I didn’t rip them out of my own windows but bought them from a flea market earlier. The jacket got its name from my fellow student Minna.